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Q: How long can you live if you have problems with relaxation of the heart?
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How long does the heart live?

As long as you do

Will you live long if your heart is on the right side of your body?

As long as if your heart was on the right side of your body

How long will a normal person live on 10 percent of their heart?

you won't live. you have to have all of your heart to live. it's impossible to only have a fraction of your heart anyways.

How long can you heart live after you die?

It can't live after brain death unless your body is on a heart/lung bypass machine.

How long can you live with your heart ripped out?

for 5 seconds

How long can a heart stay alive outside the body?

You can't live without a heart.

What are three long term effects of tobacco?

Cancer, heart problems, death

How long can a person live with a artificial heart?

1 to 2 years to live or die

How long can you live with your left heart only?

People only have one heart and in almost every one of them it is on the left; most of them live just fine with their "left heart only".

How long do King Charles Spaniels live?

The ages of 13 to 15.That is only if the dog does not have some type of disease.Or illness. However most only get to about 10 as heart problems are extreamly common with this breed.

What is the life expentacy after suffering a heart attack?

That completely depends on a number of things, starting with how severe the heart attack was. The second completely depends on how the human lives. If they eat right and exercise properly, they can live a long, long time. If they do not, they will not live a long, long time.

How long do sportsmen live?

as long as any human being - (unless they have health problems e.g. cancer)