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Q: How long did Ancient Egyptians leave a mummified body before burying it?
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What is a mummy before its died?

A mummy was a person before it died. Although on rare occasions, other creatures were mummified by certain ancient cultures. The typical use of mummification was to preserve a body after the person had died. One culture that used this practice were the ancient Egyptians. Only rich or royal Egyptians such as the Pharaohs were mummified.

What other cultures mummified there dead?

The Chinchorro and Chachapoya's also mummified their dead. In fact the Chinchorros were the first ever peoples to mummify their dead 7000 years ago before the Ancient Egyptians did.

When did coffins become invented?

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use coffins in burying their dead. Their coffins were called sarcophagi and were made of stone.

Why were cats originally useful to humans?

The Ancient Egyptians were the first to keep and use cats to control vermin and other pests to protect stores of food. In Ancient Egypt, the cat was revered as a hunter and worshiped as gods and goddesses. The ancient Egyptians imposed the death penalty for killing cats and cats were also mummified before being buried.

How long did a ancient body preserved before it was mummified?

70-40 days

What did ancient Egyptians believe about the Eucharist?

Since the Ancient Egyptians lived before Jesus, they had no beliefs about the Eucharist.

What were the Egyptians bathed in before mummified?

Yes, they were. The Nile not only cleaned their bodies but it also symbolized cleansing the deceased soul.

Were the Egyptian pyramids used for mummification?

egyptians believed that EVERYONE had a spirit so the mummified it. so no they mummified everyone.

What did the ancient egyptians write on before papyrus?

Clay tablets.

In which country first time the cat is treated as pet animal?

Egypt. Aproximately 4000 years ago cats were first domesticated. Ancient Egyptians kept cats to control vermin and other pests in order to protect food stores. the cat was revered as a hunter and worshiped as a god. The ancient Egyptians imposed the death penalty for killing cats and cats were also mummified before being buried.

Who was alive before the vikings?

The Ancient Civilisations people Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Chinese Hope this helps

Who started abortions and when?

We know the Ancient Egyptians did it and it probably started long before that.