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Q: How long did Colombia's leader serve its country?
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How long may a leader serve in Canada?

7 years

How long does a Mexican leader serve in office?

Six years.

How long do leaders serve in Australia?

they don't have a time limit for a leader because their leader is a queen because they're a monarch

How long can a leader rule a country?

In the us, for the president, its 4 years

Who is the current leader of Paraguay and how long for?

As of September 2013, the current leader of Paraguay is Horatio Cartes. He has been the leader of this country since August 2013.

Why should senators not serve a lifetime?

To protect our country. For many senators a lifetime is about 3 times too long.

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Why will your current president not be in office as long as Barack Obama?

It depends on which country you are from. American presidents serve a term of four years, and unless they die in office or are forced to resign, that is how long they are president. They can then run for re-election for another four-year term. So if your country has a presidential term that is shorter than four years, or if your country drove the leader from office before the end of his or her term, then yes that president was in office less time than President Obama.

Does leader have a long or short vowel sound?

The EA pair in leader has a long E sound, as in reader.

How long do you serve as supreme court justice?

they serve for life.

How long is a Senators term in office?

It depends on the legislation of the country in question. In the US, a senator may serve as many 6-year terms as he wishes, as long as he is re-elected.

How long did assassins serve?

they served as long as they wanted