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Q: How long did Odysseus stay in Circe's palace?
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What 3 characters anger Odysseus in book 18?

Melanthius, the goatherd, insults Odysseus and kicks him while he is disguised as a beggar. Antinous throws a stool at Odysseus and insults him during his stay at the palace. Amphinomus, one of Penelope's suitors, questions and challenges Odysseus during his visit to the palace.

How long does Calypso want Odysseus to stay with her on her island?

Calypso wants Odysseus to stay with her on the island forever.

How long dose Odysseus stay with circe?

1 year

How long did Odysseus stay on Circe island?

1 year

How long do Odysseus and his men stay with circe?

For one year.

How long did Odysseus stay on the island of ogygia with Calypso?

7 years

Who begs Odysseus to stay?

The nymph Calypso begged Odysseus to stay with her.

What task were none of the wooers able to preform?

The suitors were challenged to string Odysseus' bow and then shoot an arrow through 12 axes. None of the suitors are able to accomplish this; the bow of Odysseus had never been strung by anyone besides him. An old man was able to accomplish it; however it was later revealed that the old man was Odysseus in disguise.

Why does circe want Odysseus to stay with her?

He wants Odysseus to be her lover and stay with her forever.

She kept odysseus captive for seven long years?

The sea nymph Calypso kept Odysseus captive for seven years. Calypso fell in love with Odysseus and wanted him to stay with her for the rest of his life.

How long did Odysseus and his men stay with kirk?

If you mean Circe, his crew stays with her for an entire year. During this year, Elpenor falls drunkenly from her roof and dies. After encountering him in Hades, Odysseus and his crew return to Circe's house but don't stay too long. In the movie, however, Circe says that Odysseus had been in her bed for five years.