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Q: How long did it take a satellite to get from earth to venus?
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How long does it take Venus to orbit earth?

Venus orbits the Sun, not the Earth

How many earth days does it take for a day on Venus?

one day on venus is 59 earth-days long

How long does Venus take to orbit the sun?

Venus' orbital period is 224.7 earth days.

How long does it take venus and mercury to rotate one time?

Venus : about 243 Earth days. Mercury about 58.65 Earth days.

How long does it take for Venus to rotate the sun?

0.62 earth years

How long does it take to reach Venus from earth?

It depends on how fast you are travelling.

How long would a communication satellite take orbit earth?

5 hours

How long does one rotation on it axis take for venus?

The rotation period of Venus is equal to about 243.02 Earth days.

How long does Venus take to complete an orbit around the sun?

Venus' orbital period is 224.7 earth days.

How long would it take to fly to Venus?

Venus takes 243.0 earth hours a day.

How long does it take venus to rotate around the sun?

224.7 earth days

How long does it take planet Venus to relvolution the sun?

224.7 Earth Days