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Q: How long did it take for seal team six to kill osama?
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What gun was used to kill Osama bin Laden?

Problably a m4 or m16 . i could bet they used a g36 to take care of binny

Is there going to be a mission were you have to kill osama ben ladin in mw3?

Nah. Remember, this game is supposed to take place during WW3; something that we haven't quite reached yet. Osama Bin Laden was killed on 2011, while this game may take place in 2023 or something.

Why did it take the Navy Seal so long to find Osama Bin Laden?

You seem to be under the impression the Navy Seals were looking for him. They weren't. Once he was located, they were brought in, and the mission took place. Finding bin Laden was an intelligence job. The Seals are not in Intelligence. They are a strike force.

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It really depends on how long it will take to kill each one.

How long does it take to get into seal team 6?

There is a few things you have to do to be a Navy Seal and on team 6. You will have to start with joining the Navy.

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It can take as little as a few hours.

How long does it take from the time you join the navy to the time you join a SEAL team?

you have to enter marine first in order to enter the SEAL team which might take 5-10 years.

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I got the amiba but it did not kill me so I don't know.

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9 seconds

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9 seconds.

How long should it take you to don the protectiv mask and ensure and airtight seal?

9 seconds

How long should it take you to don your protective mask and ensure the seal is airtight?

9 seconds