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The exact length of the Spanish armada is unknown but I have read that is took several weeks to complete this monstrous task.

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1588. The first ships set out on 28 May, the last got home on 14 October. See

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The Spanish armada sailed from Spain in 1588 and was defeated in that year, This was only a small part of the Anglo Spanish war which lasted from 1585 to 1604

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a year

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Q: How long did it take for the spanish armada to get to England?
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How long did it take to build the spanish armada?

1,000,000 years

How long did it take for the spanish armada to get out of port?

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Was Queen Victoria in spanish armada?

No, Queen Elizabeth I was England's monarch during the time of the Spanish Armada (1588). Queen Elizabeth did not actually take part in the sea battle.

What was important about the Spanish armada's defeat by the British?

The fact that the Spanish armada was attacking England in an attempt to take it over, overthrow queen Elizabeth I and turn England back into a Catholic country. After the Spanish armada was defeated, it had massive effects for both countries. England had a huge boost in morale while Spain suffered greatly financially because great amounts of money were spent on the armada. While in this financial difficulty, Spain couldn't afford to launch another attack on England.

How long did it take to plan the Spanish Armada?

Although some preliminary plans had been made after England's entrance into the Netherlands conflict (Treaty of Nonsuch, 1585), the Armada was assembled in mid-1587 and sailed in 1588. The conflict continued as part of a wider, undeclared Anglo-Spanish War, until around 1604.

What year did the spanish armada take place?


What actions did Queen Elizabeth I take against the Spanish Armada?

After feuds between England and Spain about the sea, Spain finally decided to attack England. Queen Elizabeth I had all her smaller naval ships meet the Spanish out in the Channel.

What problems did elizabeth face during the spanish armada?

They were a strong army and could easily invade and take over

What made the Spanish Armada take place?

Elizabeth I refused to Mary Philip II and he was fed up with people robbing his ships so he wanted to get his own back on England and Elizabeth.

Why did Francis Drake decided to take the long journey?

So he could avoid the Spanish ships from using their grappling hooks on them. Spanish armada had more soldiers so they tried to board the English ships.

What did the English take from the Spanish ships?

Gold and Silver and other treasures, Elizabeth encouraged them to do this, this was one of the reasons for the Spanish armada xxx

Could a single modern frigate defeat the Spanish armada?

Yes and without ever coming within range of the armada. Although it would probably take a while...... And they would have to come in RANGE of the armada, or else they couldn't hit it. A missile-equipped frigate would not have to come in SIGHT of the armada, however.