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Papyrus paper is made out of the inside the papyrus plant. The practice took two weeks from beginning to end.

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Q: How long did it take to make papyrus?
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Related questions

How long does it take to make papyrus?

It takes weeks to make papyrus. This is why it is not used today. The longest part of the process is the drying.

What did the Egyptians make out of papyrus?

The Papyrus reed.

What did the Egyptian people make papyrus out of?

The Papyrus reed.

What do they make with papyrus?

papyrus is used to make baskets, boats, sandels, and paper.

What plant did the Egyptians collect to make papyrus?

Papyrus reeds that's why they call it papyrus paper

Why did the Egyptians use papyrus stems to make?

Egyptians used papyrus stems to make paper

What are papyrus reeds in Hebrew and how do you make them?

In Hebrew, papyrus is called pah-pee-rooss (פפירוס). To make papyrus paper, see related links.

Is a long lasting paper like material made from reeds?

It is called the papyrus

What is the plant Egyptians used to make paper?

i believe that was papyrus

What was the purpose of the papyrus scroll?

The Ancient Egyptians created papyrus as a source of paper. Papyrus was made with the papyrus reed. This reed grew along the banks of the Nile and was also used to make sandals. Hieroglyhics were written on a scroll of papyrus to make a papyrus scroll.

Do they still make paper out of papyrus in Egypt today?

Egyptians use Papyrus reeds to make papyrus, baskets and sandals. It was also used for column houses and rafts for river boats.Papyrus is a plant that was used for paper-making and weaving.

How do you papyrus in a sentence?

I went to Egypt last year. There were papyrus paintings everywhere.