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it lasted for 5 minutes! alot can happen in a matter of secounds!! on one of the question they put48 hours!! WHAT!! Answer: 5 minutes :)

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13y ago
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9y ago

Mount St. Helens is about 40,000 years old.

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12y ago

It was considered dormant for 123 years before erupting again.

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12y ago

mount saint helens was active for 670,000 million years

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12y ago

Mt.St. Helens usally erupt every 100 years or more. Sometime less.

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15y ago

sdfgsd dfsgsdfgdfyes

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Q: How long was mount saint Helens inactive for?
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For how long had mount st helens been inactive?

123 years

How long would it take to hike mount st helens?

how long would it take to hike mount st Helens

How long has mount St Helens been formed?


When is mount saint helens going to erupt again?

Scientists are unsure about this. Some are predicting that it's going to happen soon and others think it's not going to happen for a long time.

What is a volcano that hasn't erupted in a long time and is unlikey to erupt again?

An extinct volcano has not had an eruption for at least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in a comparable time scale of the future

How far away is the Columbia river from Mount St Helens?

Mount St. Helans is aproximatly 120km or 75 miles away from the pacific ocean.

What volcanoes are similar to mount enta?

Some volcanoes similar to Mount Etna in terms of being stratovolcanoes with frequent eruptions are Mount Vesuvius in Italy, Mount Fuji in Japan, and Mount St. Helens in the United States. These volcanoes also have a long history of volcanic activity and are located near populated areas.

How long did it take to rebuild the towns that were burnt down by the mount St. Helens eruption of 1980?

1 second

Has there ever been a volcano in THE USA?

Yes, there are several volcanoes in the western United States. Also, the state of Hawaii consists of volcanoes.

Who was the first to climb Mount Saint Helen's?

The first known ascent of Mount St. Helens was by Benjamin L.E. Bonneville in 1833, although indigenous peoples in the region had long been familiar with the mountain.

What are the active and inactive volcanoes?

Active volcanoes are currently erupting or have erupted in modern history, while inactive volcanoes are dormant and have not erupted for a long time but could potentially become active again in the future. Some examples of active volcanoes include Kilauea in Hawaii and Mount Etna in Italy, while examples of inactive volcanoes include Mount Rainier in the United States and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

Why did mount st helens go boom?

Pressure inside the earth caused the explosion aftera long build up.