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There are different accounts of the exact amount of time he spent as captive on her island, but most of them say that he spent a year on Circe's island, 7 years on Calypso's island, and 2 years being blown around from island to another. It took him a total of 10 years to get back to Ithaca after the Trojan War

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Q: How long did odysseus stay on calypso's island?
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How long does Calypso want Odysseus to stay with her on her island?

Calypso wants Odysseus to stay with her on the island forever.

How long did Odysseus stay on Circe island?

1 year

How long did Odysseus stay on the island of ogygia with Calypso?

7 years

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What does Calypso offer Odysseus in return for staying on her island?

Calypso offers to make Odysseus immortal and forever young if he will stay with her on her island. Odysseus respectfully refuses her offer.

Where did Odysseus have to stay the longest?

Calypso's island for seven years

How long does Odysseus stay on Circe's island?

Odysseus stays on Circe's island for one year.In a movie version, he stays for what seems like 7 days, but is in reality 7 years.

How long does Odysseus stay on Calypso's island?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus stays on the Calypso's island of Ogygia for 7 years. Other accounts say 5 years, while the story by Hyginus states one.He also spent a year on Circe's island Aeaea.

What does calypso think will happen if Odysseus stays on her island?

She thinks Odysseus will forget about his home and family and stay with her.

What happens after Odysseus men eat the lotus plant?

Odysseus' have no desire for home any longer and just want to stay on the island. Odysseus has to tie them up and drag them out of the island.

How does Odysseus get off Kalypso's island?

Zeus sent Hermes to tell Calypso to set Odysseus free. Calypso offered Odyseus immortality to make him stay, but he refused to stay on Ogygia.

How long do Odysseus and his men stay with circe?

For one year.