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Pterodactylus fossils date to between 150.8 and 148.5 million years ago. Thus, they existed for about 2.3 million years.

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about 500 years

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Q: How long did pterosaurs live for?
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Good dino fact on pterosaurs?

Pterosaurs were carnovores. They ate fish. they were also predators not prey.FOR FEATURES WHEN THE PTEROSAURS LIVED The primitive types of pterosaurs appeared during the Triassic period , and died out at the end of the Jurassic period. More advanced pterosaurs appeared late in the Jurassic period and died out during the Cretaceous period. SIZE Their wingspam is 12metres long. The head is 1 metre long.The body is 3 metres long.

Does pterosaurs eat humans?

No. Pterosaurs are extinct and humans never met the dinosaurs/pterosaurs.

Do pterosaurs fly?

Yes, pterosaurs were flying creatures.

How long are pterosaurs?

There are over 135 known genera of pterosaurs, and each genus has at least one species. Each species would have been a different size, so I can't tell you the lengths of all pterosaurs. Pterodactylus, a relatively small pterosaur, was probably 3 to 5 feet long, while Quetzalcoatlus, the largest well known pterosaur, was about 25 feet long.

What is a pterosaurs main method of defence?

Pterosaurs weren't built for self defense. However, they could easily fly away from most threats as long as they weren't taken by complete surprise.

Where have fossils of pterosaurs been found?

Pterosaur fossils have been found on all continents with the possible exception of Antarctica, but that doesn't mean that pterosaurs didn't live in Antarctica. Because they could fly, were warm blooded, and existed for 145 million years, various species adapted to live in different parts of the world, and pterosaurs probably lived on all continents in all climates.

Were there any hyper-carnivorous Pterosaurs?

All known pterosaurs were carnivores. There is no evidence that any pterosaurs ate any plants at all, and thus it is safe to say that at least most, if not all pterosaurs were hypercarnivorous.

Were Pterosaurs carnivores or herbivores?

Herbivores. The brontosaurus and brachiasaurus were herbivores.

Can pterosaurs roar?


What are the characteristics of pterosaurs?

Pterosaurs probably were not social, although they may have gathered during breeding season. Many of them had elaborate crests, which were probably meant to attract mates. When they laid eggs, they probably did not incubate them or protect them, and young pterosaurs had to fend for themselves right away. Fossil evidence suggests they would have been capable of flight within days of birth. Pterosaurs all seem to be carnivorous. Small pterosaurs would have eaten insects and small vertebrates, while large pterosaurs like Pteranodon and Geosternbergia ate fish. The largest known pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus, however, did not live near a body of water that would provide enough fish to eat, so their diet is unknown.

Where did the pterodactyl used to live?

Pterodactylus lived in Europe about 150 million years ago. However, there were many other species of flying reptiles, or pterosaurs. Different species lived in different places, so pterosaurs lived all over the world.

Was a Pterosaur a type of flying reptile?

The only known reptiles to have evolved powered flight were pterosaurs. Thus, all pterosaurs were flying reptiles and all flying reptiles are pterosaurs.