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There is less than a week between the time they meet and the time they die.

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The met Sunday night and died the following Thursday night. That's about four days.

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4 days

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Q: How long did romeo and Juliet know each other?
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How long romeo and Juliet know each other?

== == The smartest students in whitehall.

Why doesn't romeo tell Juliet his name?

Romeo and Juliet's families hated each other. Romeo did not want her to know that he was a member of her family's hated family.

Who knows about their conversation in the balcony In romeo and Juliet?

In "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo and Juliet are the only ones who know the details of their conversation on the balcony. Romeo overhears Juliet speaking her thoughts aloud, and the two lovers share a private exchange where they declare their love for each other and make plans to be together.

Who is one of the most important characters of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo. The other one is Juliet, as if you didn't know.

What was the relationship like in the beginning with Romeo and Juliet?

At the beginning of the play they don't know each other at all. But as soon as they meet, they fall for each other hard.

Describe the setting in romeo and juliet?

ummm as i know she love him as i know he love him so they really both kiss each other na

Dose Juliet want to marry Romeo?

Yes, Juliet does very much want to marry Romeo. They are pretty much extremely infatuated by each other. Juliet is the one who actually brought up the idea of marriage. However, they got married way too soon before they even got to know each other.

What is Romeo and julliet about?

Romeo and Juliet is about 2 young lovers who fall in love with each other on sight. Little do they know there family's hate each other. its a mix between death, love, passion, and most of all secrets.

In Romeo and Juliet when does Juliet know Romeo is at her window?

at first she doesn't, but he tells her he is there eventually

Why is Juliet is impatient for the nurse to return?

Juliet is impatient because she sent the nurse to meet with Romeo and ask when they can see each other and the nurse hasn't returned despite how long she's been gone.

Describe the balance of power in Romeo and Juliet?

the balance of power is romeo and juliet loved is other however they know that their families are enemy and they won't accept on the other hand they love their families aswell.

How is conflict shown in Romeo and Juliet?

Conflict is shown in Romeo and Juliet when Romeo and Juliet fall in love even though their families hate each other. It creates a problem because they know that their families won't be able to accept them because of the hating thing. I'm 14 years old and never learned anything about Romeo and Juliet . anyway, hope I helped!