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My jack Russell mix has had her period for approximately a week. And yes they do swell up.

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13y ago

It doesn't matter what dog breed it is, on the average a dog will have a "heat cycle" twice a year, and it lasts for approximately 23 days.

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Q: How long does a Jack Russell's period go on for and does the dog swell up?
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I have never known a Jack Russell which has died before 12 human years, (apart from the ones who have died of illness). My mother's old Jack Russell lived to 22 human years, so they live to very old.

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It varies with the breed of terrier. Jack Russells have been known to make 20yrs.

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No because a jack Russell terriers has hair. When hair sheds, it will float, unlike fur. Hair is on long haired dogs like pomerainians and jack russells. Fur is on short haired dogs like rat terriers and bull dogs. Fur will collect in the carpet and cause dander and allergy problems.

How long will your leg swell after a break?

It will! I have done it before