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Well it's possible but eventually it would come out. You can't hold in things for so long.

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Q: How long do cows carry their calf?
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Where is calf inside cows before it is born?

All mammals carry their unborn babies in their womb.

What is a female whale and her calf called?

Female whales are called cows. The calf is a calf.

How long is a chimp mother pregnant?

Never. Chimpanzees can not give birth to young cows (a calf).

How long does a calf breastfeed?

Calves do not "breastfeed," actually, because their dams, the cows, do not have breasts like human mothers do. Cows have what is called an udder, and the action to which a calf relies on its mother for milk is called suckling. The length of time a calf--particularly a beef calf--remains a suckler is for around six to eight months.

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What do you call a female bovine with only one calf?

She is still called a cow. If she's old a lot of producers call their old cows "granny cows," especially if their foundation cows or good producers that have been in the herd for a long time.

What are the life stages of a cow?

The "life stages" are heifer calf, then heifer, then cow. Cows become cows when they give birth to a calf at around two years of age, however most producers simply like to call those females first-calf heifers or first-calvers rather than cows. Some won't call cows cows until they've had their second calf.

How did the cows get to calf pasture?

They gave birth to a calf and the farmer let them and their calves into the so-called calf pasture.

What does calf rearing mean?

The Raising of cows

How long do cows produce milk after giving birth?

Cows will produce milk for as long as a producer (dairy or beef) needs to have them produce milk, whether it's a time frame of around 6 to 10 months or longer, depending on their type and class of the cows and the producer's management criteria. The time frame, on average, is between or either 6 to 10 months.Dairy cows tend to be milked longer than beef cows due to the fact that they're selected to produce milk, not raise a calf. Beef cows will produce milk as long as they have a calf on them.

Did arrest those guys at greeneville high school that killed 2 cows and a calf?

Yes a long time ago