

How long do drugs stay in your hair?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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10y ago

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Think of your hair like a timeline. Everything that's going on in your body is recorded by your hair as it grows, kinda like a type writer. If you do any drugs they will become part of that timeline. The only way to get the drugs out of your hair is to buy special shampoo or cut it off.

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Q: How long do drugs stay in your hair?
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No. The drugs stay in your fat cells and hair. Best way is not to use drugs instead of trying to beat the system.

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No. Drugs stay in the hair for weeks.

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It will stay until you shave your head Hair holds evidence of drugs far longer than your blood and urine. I can guarantee you that if they took a hair sample from you now (after 30 days) it would show up. Good Luck!

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as long as it stays on your head

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Why drug test your hair instead of urine?

Because a hair toxicology can go back three to six months, when a urine cannot. Because the chemicals(drugs)can stay in your hair that long, and they can take it from anywhere on your body, but usually your head. Believe me I had several