

How long do erasers last?

Updated: 10/4/2023
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Q: How long do erasers last?
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What are the different types of erasers?

plastic erasers, art gum erasers, kneaded erasers

What is the fraction out of 8 erasers minus 3 erasers?

8 erasers minus 3 erasers is 5 erasers, which is an integer, not a fraction.

Why do euporeans not have erasers?

Europeans do have erasers.

What is the difference between rubber and foam?

I do not really know the difference between those two , but I sure know that the foam erasers are better ! I do not know about you guys but for me the foam erasers are better !Example:Foam erasers are a new formula that provides great erasing power with minimal pressure. Eraser dust sticks together , making clean up easy ! Also the foam erasers will last longer than the rubber erasers !! I am just talking about the erasers , and I do not know what is the difference ! I hope this helped you ! XD

Are erasers a weapon?

erasers can be used in violent manner! so use your erasers wisely.

What Japanese erasers to get?

They have adorable sushi erasers.

Can erasers be recycled?

Yes, erasers are recycable.

What are mini Japanese erasers?

They are mini erasers that are from Japan!

Where do you get puzzle erasers?

you can get puzzle erasers at walgreens, hallmark, micheals,and you can even google it puzzle erasers are just the same as crazerasers and iwako erasers so where ever you get those look there!:)

If you have 18 erasers and use 3 erasers each month. how many months will your eraser last identify the quotient dividendand divisor.?

Divide 18 by 3 The dividend is 18 The divisor is 3 The answer is the quotient

What store can you get cool erasers?

the store that get cool erasers is all of them

When was erasers invented?

1. when WERE erasers invented. 2. 1927