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Gestation is usually between 50 and 52 days, although there have been 62 and 63 day gestation periods reported from foxes in captivity.

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Q: How long do fennec foxes have their babies before they are born?
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Gray foxes are born once per year in April or May.

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Sylvie Fennec was born on May 19, 1946, in Paris, France.

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it's really bad for the baby, babies born prematurely, babies born too small, babies who die before they can be born at all.

Do fennec foxes live in groups or alone?

Fennec foxes live in family groups. The basic social unit is thought to be a mated pair and their offspring, and the young of the previous year are believed to remain in the family even after a new litter is born.

In what month are baby Arctic foxes born?

Breeding usually takes place in April and May and babies born June and July after a 52 day gestation period.

Where do red foxes have their babies?

The red fox born it alive from the head to their tail like humans.

What type of home does a fennec fox live in?

Foxes, when kits are born, live in dens. A den is a hole in the ground, usually dug from an existing hole by the fox.They live in Dens usually borrowed underground.

What effects does smoking have on a pregnant woman?

Smoking cigarettes is probably the number 1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies. Complications that occur frequently are: babies born prematurely, babies born too small or babies who die before they can be born at all.

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Are Arctic foxes born in eggs?

No, foxes are mammals and mammals aren't born in eggs.

What do red foxes know to do once their born?

From where to where do foxes migrate