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Between 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the light, temperature, and how often its been touched in the past.

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Q: How long do leaves of mimosa pudica close because of touch?
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What kinds of plants move?

Uh.. any; There has to be a breeze though... (:mimosa pudica has leaves that fold up when touched. Venus fly trap has leaves (?) that also close.

What plants close their leaves when touched?

The touch-me-not (sensitive plant, tickleme or Mimosa pudica) closes its leaves when you touch it because the touch triggers the leaf cells to expel water. The cells lose their rigidity and the leaf droops away from the touch. After a few minutes the leaf returns to normal.

What other plants closes when touched besides for the mimosa pudica?

The Venus Flytrap could be considered falling into this group as movement by the fly (or other small insect) causes the leaf to close

What is the mechanism that causes mimosa leaves to close?

The electrical mechanism caused by touching a leaf causes it to close.

What do plants and animals have in common in their responses to stimuli?

It depends on the organism ... and how it's capable of responding. After all, trees never run away, and animals seldom turn their faces toward the sun.

Some plants have parts that can move in respose to being touched?

In Samoa there is the thorny plant mimosa. It's a legume. If you touch it gently, the leaves close up; if you touch it harder, the whole stem with all leaves bend down. After a while, it erects again though.

Does the sensitive plant close at night?

Yes, the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) closes its leaves at night. This behavior is known as "nyctinasty" and is a response to changes in light and temperature. The leaves reopen in the morning when exposed to daylight.

If you watch a mimosa over a period of time you will see the leaflets open in the morning and close together at night do you think the leaflets would still fold and unfold in a dark closet?

Personally, I would say no or yes! If the mimosa opens because it is light sensitive, then no. But if it has an internal clock and "knows" what time it is, I would say yes. That is all

The leaves of a sensitive plant close whenever any part of the leaf is touched because of a?


Is The Great Salt Lake salty because it is so close to the ocean?

No.The reason it is so salty is because it only leaves the lake through evaporation and the water leaves the salt behind.

Do the leaves of rain tree close when it is about to rain?

Leaves of most trees do not actually close, but some turn "sideways" when it is about to rain.

Where most of the water leaves the leaf?

Water leaves the leaves of a plant through pores they have that opne and close. This process is called transpiration.