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Q: How long do magpies tail feathers grow?
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Can doves regrow a lost tail?

The tail feathers will grow back over time.

How do I help a blue jay without tail feathers?

The tail feathers will grow back during the next molt. Do nothing and just let it be.

Can a blue-jay live in the wild without tail feathers?

Yes, but the feathers will soon grow back.

If a rooster loses his long tail feathers will they grow back?

Yes. The long tail feather often drop off during the first molt when all the roosters feathers are replaced by new one's. The new long feathers will take more time to regrow so be patient, they will come back. Many roosters lose the long feathers due to picking from the hens while they roost at night

How long does it take for a parakeet's tail feathers to grow back?

Yes if they don't grow back ( although I'm not an expert)you should probably see a vet.

Why do your male chickens have no tail feathers?

I'm pretty sure all male chickens (AKA Roosters or cockerels) have tail feathers. Actually, roosters are the pretty chickens with really really long tail feathers. If a male chicken is lacking tail feathers, they were probably pulled out by an outside source.

How large does a peacock grow?

A peacock's length from the tip of the train (tail feathers) to the tip of his nose is approximately seven feet, in a fully mature cock. The tail feathers make up about half of that total length. The peahen doesn't have the train, so she is about three feet long.

Will birds regrow Their tail feathers after losing them to a predator?

Yes, they will re-grow after the next molt.

What will happen to a bird without his tail feathers?

It may affect his steering in flight, but they will grow back.

Will a parakeets tail grow back?

Yes your bird's tail feathers will grow back. They will begin to grow back when your bird begins molting.

What is a peacock body covering?

A male peacock is covered in colourful feathers, with especially long, showy tail feathers.

What are roosters tail feathers for?

Roosters have long, bright-coloured tail feathers really for only one reason; to show off to the hens. These feathers are known as Ornamental Feathers and the most colourful always results in good courting results.