

How long do megabats live?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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dont know but getting on my nerves

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Q: How long do megabats live?
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Where do megabats live?

In tropical areas in Africa, Asia and Australia! :)

Why are these types of bats called megabats?

megabats are somtimes called what?

Is a pallid bat a micro bat or a mega bat?

It is a microbat (Microchiroptera). It eats insects and scorpions. Most megabats eat fruit, nectar, and leaves. Also, megabats live in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Pallid bats live in North America.

Megabats and microbats?

The book "The Secrets Of Peaches" has a little information on Megabats and Microbats. Microbats eat small insects, making them second-level consumers, and Megabats eat fruit, mostly, making them first-level consumers. Megabats are quite large, and microbats are very tiny.

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What color are megabats?


What are megabats sometimes called?


What are the megabats?

Here's a link to a list of megabats:

Do megabats have large appetites?

Some of these megabats have a wingspan close to five feet, and they survive on high energy fruits. See the related link below for more specific information:

Are carnivore bats or herbivore bats bigger Which are bigger megabats or microbats?

Megabats are typically larger than microbats, and within each group, the size can vary. Generally, fruit-eating megabats tend to be larger compared to insect-eating microbats.

Are vampire bats micro or mega bats?

It is a microbat. It lives in Latin America. All megabats live in the Old World.

What is a microbat?

A small physical species of Bat. there are two main categories Microbats and Megabats or large bats.