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This completely depends on the person. Those who are extremely into Facebook will be on there hours at a time, while those who aren't so into it may be there for half-and-hour or less.

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Q: How long do people stay on Facebook?
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What are the purposes of Facebook?

The puposes of Facebook are that you can stay in touch with people easier and just to have fun and friends on facebook.

When you post something on facebook how long does it stay?

It stays until you remove the post.

Why do people have facebook and Twitter accounts?

To stay in touch with friends and family.

Why people have a Facebook account?

People have Facebook accounts to interact with their friends, stay in contact with old friends, show their friends their pictures, and find out information about others.

How long does facebook stay locked?

Facebook can remain locked for months or years and sometimes for a day if you provide valid information yo unlock it.

Why is facebook going to be closed?

because the people that have fb.spend much time in fb.and the person is going to close it because the people of the whole world are in his hands.people stay on fb.and do not work,students stay for a long time on fb and they cannot study.....this were some of the answers...there are more things ....:)

How long does a friend request stay pending on Facebook?

A friend request will stay pending on Facebook until the person accepts or denies the request. This could mean years if the person simply refuses to respond.

How do you search people on Facebook and stay hidden?

You don't stalk people. You can search facebook stuff without logging in. So noone can trace you. Check up the site listed below, it allows to search people and other information on facebook by keywords and logging in is not required.

Why do so many people use facebook?

To stay in touch with their friends and family.

Why is Facebook important?

Facebook is a social networking site. Therefore, it is important in the way that people can stay in contact no matter where they are in the world. People can display pictures, videos, and status updates for their friends and family.

What is the point of Facebook?

The point of Facebook is to talk to your friends, play games, share information, and to connect with people you haven't seen for a long, long time!

Does anyone get anything out of Facebook?

It depends on how you think. Facebook can be a good way to stay in contact with your friends and family. It helps you contact old friends and stay in touch with new ones. For some people, it is also a form of entertainment because of the variety of things you can do. For example, Facebook has many Applications which can be very entertaining.