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Q: How long do people stay purgatory?
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What did Catholic people pay to stay out of purgatory?

To stay out of purgatory, Catholics paid an "indulgence". Indulgences reduced time in Purgatory for sins that are already forgiven, they didn't necessarily keep you completely out of Purgatory. Also, the giving of money [meant as alms for the poor, but at one point was taken by the clergy (even then it wasn't an approved practice and was considered Simony)] to receive an Indulgence was stopped by Pope Pius V in 1567.

Can people in purgatory haunt you?

No, because purgatory doesn't exist

How long do you stay in purgatory?

The concept of purgatory differs among different belief systems, but in general, it is seen as a temporary state where souls are purified before entering heaven. The duration of time spent in purgatory is not defined in specific terms and is believed to vary for each individual soul based on their need for purification.

What happens to the soul if the body is in purgatory?

Among groups who believe that the body will physically reside in purgatory, the soul is presumed to stay with the body. Many Christian sects believe that the soul suffers in purgatory, while the body remains interred (or whatever) until resurrection.

Can people go to pugatory?

No ''purgatory'' is not even real

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you shouldnt.

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they can stay up to 12 months

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It depends how long does your visa allow you to stay in the US.

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You can stay in as long as the people keep electing you.

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