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Q: How long do platypuses sleep for?
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What do platypuses sleep in?

Platypuses sleep in long burrows they dig in riverbanks or creek banks.

What do platypuses sleep on?

Platypuses sleep on the soil and dirt within their burrows, or sometimes a lining of leaves.

Do platypuses sleep on land or under water?

Platypuses sleep in burrows that are accessible from the banks of the creeks that they live near and in. These burrows can be from about 20 to 100 feet in length.

What do platypuses do in the night?

they mate with each other or sleep with each other

What time does a platypus sleep?

Platypuses are nocturnal, so they sleep during the day. They shelter in burrows they dig in riverbanks.

Do platypuses need sleep?

During winter, platypuses do exactly the same as they do during summer. They continue to hunt for food during the night, diving in creeks and rivers to find their food. During the day, they sleep in their burrows dug into the riverbank. The temperature in their habitat does not change significantly during winter, as water temperatures and ground temperatures do not change as much as the air temperature changes. Platypuses also have a double layer of insulating fur to help keep them warm and dry at their skin level.

How long do platypuses look after their young?

Young platypuses stay with their mother for about four months (115-125 days). They are nursed for the first three months.

How long do platypuses mate?

A platypus does not have a specific time period of mating

How long do platypuses remain with their mothers and feed on their milk?

Young platypuses remain with their mother, feeding on mothers' milk, for about four months (115-125 days).

Where do platypuses hide?

Platypuses hide in long, deep burrows they dig into the banks of freshwater creeks and rivers. These burrows can be up to 30 metres, or 100 feet, in length.

Does America have platypuses?

No. America does not have platypuses. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia.

Where does the platypus eat and sleep?

Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia, including the island state of Tasmania. They hunt for food in freshwater rivers and creeks, usually along the beds of these waterways. Platypuses live in a variety of climate types, from tropical in the far north to temperate bushland, to cold temperate rainforests in the south. They sleep in long burrows which the platypus digs in the banks of rivers or creeks. These burrows can be up to 30 metres in length, and in the breedi season, the female's burrow has a nesting chamber at the end.