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Q: How long do poisiones dart frogs sleep for?
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How long do you poison dart frogs normally live?


How long do frogs sleep?

2 to 3 hours.

How many hours do frogs sleep?

it really depends usually 1-2 hours at a time.

Does a poison arrow frog have teeth?

Not really. Poison dart frogs eat insects, and they don't need much teeth to do that.

What eat poisonous dart frogs?

They eat small bugs, like termites and ants. To catch them they use their long tounge.Toxic bugs and small invertebrates that are found in trees and leaf litter (fruit flies, ants, termites, etc.

How long does a poison dart frog live?

actually scientist have studied ones life time for up to 10 years now but they have never heard of another living that long but 7-8 years is the common life time of the strawberry poison dart frog.

Do strawberry dart frogs hibernate or migrate?

Neither. They live in Central-America and are active all year long. Frogs never really migrate by the way, a number of species hibernate but they are never far away from water.

Why is the poison dart frog in danger?

Poison dart frogs are beautiful creatures that can kill but out of 240 species only 3 are capable of killing humans. The poison dart frogs inhabit the tropical and humid climates of Central and Southern America. They require about 80 - 100 percent humidity and a day time temperature between 72 °F - 80 °F, while the nighttime temperature should not fall below 60 °F. They usually live on the ground, though they are also known to live high in the trees, sometimes even as high as 33ft off the ground. - The poison dart frogs are a critically endangered species. As it is, the poison dart frogs have a small lifespan in the wild, ranging between 1 to 3 years. To top it, loss of habitat due to logging, deforestation and farming has severely eroded their population numbers. Predation by other species is also a highly ranked threat for their survival. But the worst killer of the poison dart frogs is a fungal disease known as 'cutaneous chytridiomycosis'. This infectious skin disease is fatal for all amphibians and by that count, even the poison dart frogs. - According to the Global Amphibian Assessment, around 28% of 234 known species of poison dart frogs are now threatened with extinction. The main threats to these frogs' survival are the same as for other tropical frogs, which are further discussed in the Amphibian Declines article. And that is why it sounds logical to try to protect them in the context of the rest of amphibian species.

Info about poison dart frogs?

they live in central and southern america. They can live up to 10-12 years at the most. they weigh 3 grams and they are 1-1.5 inches long the frogs are also very active during the day but not a lot during the night

What do toads do during the day?

Toads are mostly nocturnal.Every night I go outside with my sister and we catch toads at like,10:00 PM and there are a lot out there.They do come out in the morning too but they are very hard to find because they try to sit very still and blend in with the plants around them.

How long does a blue poison frog live?

they live about 60 years ***IMPROVEMENT*** Poison dart frogs can live 4-6 years in the wild, but in captivity they can live up to 12 years.

How long is the 2013 Dodge Dart?

The 2013 Dodge Dart is 15 ft. 3.9 in. (183.9 in.) long.