

How long do red claw crabs live up to?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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They can live up to 2 years old with sea salt, a big tank and plenty of water.

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Q: How long do red claw crabs live up to?
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red clawed crabs eat best when no one is around or watching them (at night).

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Do red claw crabs eat baby apple snails?

Yes they do. My Adult apple snail was ripped apart by my red clawed crab. So based on my experience, I wouldn't mix them together.

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Red claw crabs are beach-combing scavengers, not even slightly picky. They do well with any of the formulated sinking foods, vegetables, tubifex worms, freeze dried foods (such as krill), brine shrimp, bloodworms, peas, beans, spinach and raw fish. They will also eat commercial flake foods and crab pellets as well as bits of driftwood and aquarium plants.

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no its the other way around red snappers eat crabs no its the other way around red snappers eat crabs

Do red claw crabs play dead?

yes because they think you will harm them so stay away from them I think they eat apples all the time to ceep them selfs red.

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