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Q: How long do red pandas drink their mothers milk?
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How long do harp seals drink their mothers milk?

yes harper seals drink there mothers milk

How long does a wolf puppy drink mothers milk?

depend on how thirsty it is

How long does a dolphin feed on it's mothers milk?

Dolphins drink milk for up to three years.

Why do pandas drink milk?

A panda is a mammal. All young mammals drink milk.

Do sheep drink warm milk?

The milk that lambs drink from their mothers is warm.

Will a field mouse drink milk?

yes, they dont have to drink mouse formula or rabit formula

How do pandas raise its babies?

They feed them milk and nurture them until they leave their mothers

What does a baby panda eat?

They drink their mother's milk until they are about 6 months to a year, then they are weaned from their mother's milk and taught how to catch small prey and eat bamboo, just like their parents.

Does an elk drink its mothers milk?


Do hamster drink the mothers milk?

Hello there, yes hamsters drink their mothers milk just like animals and also babies. Because as for mothers milk it is supposed to be healthy. And as for babies it's healthy for them too and if they don't like it they drink Enfamil milk of some sort. Hope this helped :)

Do you Feed horses milk?

Only baby horses or foals drink milk and it is best for them to drink only their mothers milk.

What type of milk does hamster babies drink?

they drink milk from there mothers otherwise just give them water