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It lasts for a period of few months to a period of 20 years.

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Q: How long do satellites last for in space?
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How long do satellites last in space?

It lasts for a period of few months to a period of 20 years.

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How the soviet union established satellites in East Germany?

Since satellites are in space, and no one has ownership of space, as long as a satellite's orbital takes it over Germany, anyone can have satellites over them.

Do satellites have solar panels?

Yes, for this is the only way a sattalite can aquire a sustainable amount of electricity in space. If it used a battery, it wouldn't last very long.

How long will gps satellites last?

If you taking care of the GPS, It will last about 5 years

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What is differences between space satellite and earth satellite?

space satellites are in space and earth satellites are in earth.

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Can you give me a long list of space transport?

Some ways things are transported in space is by spaceship, satellites, orbiters, and similar objects.

How long do satellites last?

Some satellites last longer then others. The age can be determined by the efficiency of the machinery that it works with. Example: One of the satellite's solar panels have been damaged by debris. That satellite will not last as long as one that has its solar panels at full efficiency.

Does satellites never expire in the space?

ther are 4 satellites

How many satellites are there in Malaysia?

Satellites are in space not in countries.