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Q: How long do the mother have to stay at home with the newborn baby?
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How long is the length of a newborn baby?

A newborn baby is usually about 24 inches long, or two feet

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First two weeks

Will the parents leave there baby mouse if a person touches it?

This depends on the age, and how long the mouse is held. If it is a newborn, and it still greatly depends in it's mother, then chances are, it will. However, if your just poke the baby, it will have no affect. You have to have held it for long enough that your scent covers the thing, instead of its mother's.

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About 8 years

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2 years

How long does a newborn baby need to stay with its mother?

It is crucial that babies are with their mother as soon as possible after birth. Babies can smell their mother and the warmth of the mother is very comforting to babies and it's also called bonding. They need their mother until are old enough to take care of themselves.

How do you say best wishes for a newborn baby in English?

If you want to wish a newborn baby best wishes in English you can simply say just that. You could also wish the baby a long and happy life.

How long after birth does it take for a newborn baby to see clearly?

6 months

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for about 2 months

When mother had her new born baby the hospital would not let the baby go home because of mental health issues will she get her baby back?

I am sorry to anyone who is experiencing this, but i am sure the baby will be sent home as soon as it- or mommy- (who ever is having problems) is treated and seems stable enough to be at home. I know alot of moms go through post pardum depression, which can be quite serious.. and the babys still stay with mommy. As long as home is going to be a safe place, the baby will be relased. Hospitals do NOT want to look after your screaming newborn any longer than they have to, haha.

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