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There's no rules for that, you can decide how long you want them. ^^

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12y ago

until they go grey and wrinkly

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Q: How long do women like mens pubic hair?
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How long is the worlds longest pubic hair?

24 inches long and its probably your $&*#@% pubic hair barack obama

Why do boys or men like girls or women with long hair?

Depends on what kind of guy you are some like short hair some like long.I personaly like long Hair because i think it brings the beauty out of a women.

What is hair loss rate in childbirth?

For some off reason, tradition or custom, when women are admitted to a hospital they normally shave off their pubic hair- Below Decks- This custom long antedated anything loike DNA analysis for identification purposes. It is allegedly done for sanitary reaons. I can imagine there are people who would like to have a slide sample of the pubic hair of say, Anastasia Romanov, etc.

Where does hair grow on boys during puberty?

no girls dont like itSome girls do. Lots of famous men have long hair and have had long hair. It is a personal choice. If someone wants to grow their hair long they should do it for themselves and not for anybody it for them self like me

Can you do banger racing when you r 16?

as long as have pubic hair they will let you race

Is it okay if your pubic hair are 10cms long?

yes but you really need to get a shave...

Best haircut for women over 40?

The best haircut depends on what a women might like, wether its long hair or short hair.

Does a girl look good with long hair?

I'm sure it varies from person to person, but I generally like women with long hair.

How much pubic hair should you have at 13?

Not much as at that age puberty has not long started. As they grow so will the hair.

Do guys shave their pubic hair?

Yes, a lot of men shave their pubes.... But then again it depends.. Some women like men with hair or no hair.. But for your self.. It's up to you if you're comfortable with it! It does itch more but hey as long as the girl is happy!

Do guys like long hair or short hair?

long all long like 5,99ft that long for women/female/females to grow their hair so LONG also tell if your girlfriend to NOT EVER CUT HER HAIR keep it long longer the sexier ;))

Why women like long hair but men not?

Fashion, not all cultures have this fashion.