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I'd preheat the oven to 600 F, then put the roast in to slightly sear the outside to hold in some of the natural juices. As soon as you put the roast in, lower the temperature to 350 F and roast for approx 15 minutes per pound. That 15 minutes is not sacred, use a meat thermometer and determine when it's done by the internal temp shown.

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15y ago

30 min a pound at 350 f

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Q: How long do you cook a 2.37 pound chuck roast at 275?
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How long to cook chuck roast and at what temperature?

If you want medium roast, try 15 minutes a pound at 350. Test the temperature. You'll want about 145.

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2 to 2.5 hours is the amount of time needed for a 6 pound chuck roast to thoroughly cook. If rare and bloody meat is desired, the roast can be cooked in less time. Wrap in foil and season for flavor.

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HOW long to cook a 20 lb prime rib roast?

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I use the rule of 11 min per lb, it seems to work best for me. Jim