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It depends you could just go to jail.

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Q: How long do you get your license taken away if you get caught stealing alcohol?
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You are 16 years old and you have a graduated license you got caught doing 20 over Will your license get taken away?

It sure should be.

Would your child be taken away if you get caught driving without a license?

Only if you put your child on the roof as well.

Does your license get taken away if you are a minor caught driving out of curfew?

If it is, most likely it will be handed over to your legal guardian/parent.

Will your license be taken away if you have a suspended imposition?

Yes your license will be taken away.

If you are caught driving on a suspended license in WV will they impound your car?

If you are summarily arrested on the scene and taken to jail, they MAY impound your car for safekeeping, but it is not impounded as part of your 'punishment.'

How can you steal small stuff from Walmart?

No, you can't steal ANYTHING from Walmart or any other store. Stealing is stealing and you will be taken to jail. the bigger question is why would you steal small stuff? If you are a big enough douche-bag to steal why not go for the money? Have some balls and do it right so when you are caught you can do real time.

Where is the line between sharing and stealing?

'Sharing' is when something is given willingly by the rightful owner. 'Stealing' is when the item is taken without permission.

Can this be taken with alcohol?

yes it can

What is the penalty for underage gambling?

As such there are no such penalties for underage gambling(because legal actions can't be taken against a minor).But yes parents might suffer because of this problem, If a minor get caught while gambling the parents will be held responsible for it and then legal actions may be taken against them.Their license can can be canceled in worst cases.

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Can you be arrested for DUI and be taken to jail if you refuse to submit to test for the presence of alcohol or drugs?

Yes, if you refuse the breathalyzer or other field sobriety tests you can be booked for that and taken to jail. Usually you will have your license suspended for 6 months to a year depending on the laws of your state.