

How long do you give the penicillin in a cat?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Usually until it is all gone

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Q: How long do you give the penicillin in a cat?
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how long do you give a cat penicillin shots for wounds?

Cats tolerate penicillin, but the dosage varies from that humans take. Please take this animal to the vet -- even if you do get the right dosage of penicillin, and even if the cat isn't allergic, I presume from your question you're not able to suture the wound. Please get a vet invovled in this.

Where is the best place to give a cat a penicillin shot?

The vet

Can you give fish pen penicillin to a cat?

Fish pen penicillin can be given to a cat being treated for an infection. However, like with all drugs, it should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian.

How long do you give penicillin?

The length of time you can give penicillin will vary according to the brand and the infection. You should consult with a equine veterinarian regarding exact instructions.

How many ml of penicillin do you give a goat for pneumonia?

It will depend on the weight of the goat and whether it is a short acting or long acting penicillin - the vet that prescribed you the penicillin will be able to tell you the dose rate.

How much penicillin should you give your cat for an eye infection?

You don't want to give your cat penicillin. If the cat has a puncture wound, it will become or already has become an abscess. That is where the wound does not heal properly from the inside out and closes over with the infection trapped inside. Take your cat into a Veterinarian to have it checked out. Normally they will clean out the abscess and put a penrose drain in it so it can continue to drain out the infection & then heal properly from the inside to the outside. The Vet will also put the cat on antibiotics, the proper ones for that type of infection.

How long should your cat stay on penicillin to get rid of infection?

Depends, you should ask you local vet before you take him or her off.

Your cat is vomiting after a penicillin shot?

it is allergic to it you dip wad

What are long-term effects of penicillin?

Penicillin has many good affects but can also have side affects for those allergic to it.

Can you give injectable penicillin to a kitten by mouth?

Healthy puppies need no penicillin. If they're sick, the veterinarian will decide which antibiotic to use.

Can I use penicillin G for upper respiratory infection in cat?

Penicillin can be used to treat upper respiratory infections for cats so long as it is prescribed by a vet. Use the medication as directed and be sure to finish it, even if your car appears to be better.

What is the penicillin per cat pound?

This varies depending upon the formulation of the penicillin (injectable, topical, oral), the location and type of infection and the overall health status of the cat. If you believe your cat has a condition that needs treatment with penicillin, you should take your cat to your veterinarian.