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Individuals do not and cannot file criminal charges. Only a state or federal prosecutor can file charges. However you can make report to police about the alleged criminal act. The sooner the better, the longer you take to report it the more difficult the investigation becomes, and the more doubt is actually cast on you as to why you held off reporting it for so long.

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Q: How long do you have to file charges on someone in TX that has supplied alcohol to a minor?
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What happens when adults buy alcohol for underage kids?

Not mentioning the morality issue it is illegal in all states to buy alcohol for a minor. If caught it can bring a litany of charges including providing alcohol to minor, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc.

How do you file charges on someone for contributing alcohol to a minor child?

Citizens can NOT "file charges." Only prosecutors can file charges against somebody. You could make an official report to the police and they would investigate the matter and if the investigation supported your allegation,. either make as arrest (if appropriate) or apply for a warrant.

Can someone press charges on you for making a prank call if you are a minor in California?


Can youget in trouble for letting a minor sip my drink?

Absolutely. It doesn't matter how much, it's still giving alcohol to someone underage. If a child drinks a half of an alcoholic beverage (that you gave them) and they don't even get a little woozy, will you get in trouble? Nothing happened to them, but you STILL gave it to them. It's Supplying alcohol to a minor no matter how much is supplied. Good question though. Absolutely. It doesn't matter how much, it's still giving alcohol to someone underage. If a child drinks a half of an alcoholic beverage (that you gave them) and they don't even get a little woozy, will you get in trouble? Nothing happened to them, but you STILL gave it to them. It's Supplying alcohol to a minor no matter how much is supplied. Good question though.

Can parents get in trouble for giving alcohol to their own child?

Yes. It would be child endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, serving alcohol to a minor and any number of charges, depending on the state, province or country in question.

In New Zealand Why can you drink with parent supervision?

It is not illegal for a minor to consume alcohol, but it is illegal to sell alcohol to a minor. It is illegal for a minor to be supplied with alcohol unless it is by a parent or legal guardian and it is to be drunk at a private gathering. It is also illegal for a minor to have or to drink alcohol in a public place unless they are with a parent or legal guardian. The reason New Zealand law allows this drinking by minors, is that the parents or legal guardians are deemed to be responsible for the minors.

What is it called when an adult tries to purchase alcohol for a minor?

That is called ``providing alcohol to a minor'' or "social supply", and it is illegal in many places. It can result in fines, criminal charges, and other legal consequences for the adult.

What if you buy a minor alcohol?

Then the minor will have alcohol.

Can you press charges at the age of fourteen and on my bus driver?

Sorry, no. As a minor, you have to be represented by someone else, usually a parent.

Is it illegal for a minor to have a baby with someone who is not a minor?

The minor is not in an legal trouble, however, the person who is not a minor can face charges. Having the baby is not necessarily considered the crime, however, the older person could be charged with statutory rape.Ê

Can a parent press charges for contributing to to the delinquency of a minor in Ohio?

A parent can press charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Ohio. Criminal charges can be filed for the crime, and civil charges can be done for any injuries that may have occurred to the minor child.

Can a minor driver be a designated driver legally in Michigan to transport alcohol in the trunk?

If there is someone 21 years of age in the car who will admit the alcohol is their's. If further questions are ask the minor can request a breathalizer to prove they haven't been drinking and avoid a minor in possession charge.