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A lot of people will not soak them for more than a few hours but we have always cleaned them and soaked them in light salt water until we are ready to cook them. If they are fresh they can soak for up to a week before they start getting difficult to handle without breaking them. If you start finding morels that are getting dry then just soak them long enough for them to absorb some water and then drain the water and store them in a zip lock in the fridge so they hold the moisture for a couple of days until you are ready to cook them.

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Dried mushrooms should be soaked about 10 minutes.

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Q: How long do you have to soak morels mushrooms before cooking?
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1) Be sure you know what a morel mushroom looks like, you don't want to pick the wrong one.2) Remember its best to look for morel mushrooms in early spring, that's when it's much easier to find.3) It's best if you wear long sleeves shirt and pants since you'll be out in the woods.4) You must get a citrus or onion bag, the mesh type. When you find the mushrooms, this is where you'll be placing them, and the holes allow the seeds to drop to the ground so next year you can find them again. It's okay to use a paper bag, but never use a plastic bag.5) Usually morels are found under the shade of the poplar tree, it also can be found on elm, ash, maple and fruit trees. Few people have luck to find morels at apple orchards as well. Morels enjoys mossy areas, semi-timbered land, and tree stumps. Remember that these are only signs of hope that morels would be found there, mostly they'll grow at an unusual place, for example it rarely can be found near a sandpit. If you live near a pine forest, you may look for morels under needles on the ground.6) Remember to walk slowly and bring a large stick with you. It's often that people accidentally step on morels so check your surroundings often carefully.7) Once you found your morels, visit an extension office to inspect your morels to make sure you didn't get the false morels that can make you ill or can possibly be fatal.Tips:. If you get up early, you may have chance to get more morals than other morel hunters.. Never share your hunting spots with other morel hunters, and if one ask you, just say no.

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