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Q: How long do you have to wait after you buy a name change token on imvu?
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How much is the name token on IMVU?

OVER 100

What names are not taken on imvu?

There is no list of names that aren't taken but if you don't have an account and you are trying to create one, just keep entering user names until one works. If you do have an account and you are trying to change your user name you can buy a name change token here To see which names are available to purchase after you have a token just type your desired screen name in the box on this page This will show you if the screen name is available for purchase with Name Change token or for a certain amount of credits. Usually between 100,000 and 500,000 credits. Much cheaper to find a name that is available with the token.

What was imvu name before it was called imvu?

It was always imvu

How do you reset your email on imvu?

You cannot change your IMVU email nor username unless you want to change it with the VIP change name. But you can change your password. Theres no showing of how to change your imvu email whatsoever, but i hope the IMVU staff can help you if you message them on there game, they dont usually answer messages since they get like 1,000. but im sure they would be kind enough to answer your question and help you change your email for you.

What is Lady Gaga's imvu name?

i doubt she goes on a trivial website like imvu

Why doesn't Denmark change their name?

Why should they? Why doesn't England change its name? Or the United States? their name is a source of pride and they have carried it for hundreds of years; they won't throw it away just for some publicity or as a token gesture.

What is your IMVU name?

iisexytan i need it back

What is another name for a cac?


What is Selena Gomez's imvu profile name?


Does vip come with a new name on imvu?

When You First Make An Imvu, Its Says That Get 5,000 For 1$. So That Mean It Does NOT Come With The Vip

How do you type in the name for imvu?

Not sure exactly what you mean by this but to type in IMVU you can go to If you refer to logging in, all you have to do is double click your IMVU icon, and type your avatars name into the login screen. If guest usually appears before your name, you DO NOT have to type in guest in the login screen. Just type in your avatar's name (screen-name) and your password and login.

What is a bfmv in imvu?

Bullet for my valentine.. it's a band name.