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You change the whole thing after 2 weeks .

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Q: How long do you have to wait to change the balls on the barbell after getting tongue done?
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How do you change your own tongue ring?

unscrew one of the balls on the barbell [i usually do the bottom one, cause i can clamp it with my teeth to avoid it gowing all over the place] and take it out :L sometimes its kinda hard to get it loosened

What is better a metal tongue pierce or platic?

Some newbie piercers (under 5 years) will use plastic for the barbell shaft in tongue piercings, more experienced and old school body piercers will stay with metal shafts for the piercing. Plastic tends to weaken and is cheap*, very cheap to use (*Method of making more money from the client for less material costs). It's not the shaft that damages the teeth it's the balls and plastic balls are not cool on new tongue piercings because they can break and you loose the piercing because the barbell comes out. I am old school get it done with a metal barbell, two weeks later when the swelling goes down you get a shorter step down barbell, two weeks later you can change the balls to what ever you want. But stay with the metal initially to ensure the piercing heals and is cleaned properly during the early stages of healing. Compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges, check out the prices and ask questions like you just did, if it makes sense then go for it but don't get caught in a cash grab at your expense. Get what you pay for and that's a piece of metal in your tongue see a professional body piercer.

Tongue piercing problems?

The list of problems with tongue piercings can be quite long by condensed to a few simple things.Galvanic corrosionDental damage to teethGum erosionThe above are the big three, which I will explain in a bit of detail.Galvanic corrosion occurs when unlike metals are submerged in and electrolyte. This would be stainless steel thread on balls on a titanium barbell shaft. (unlike metals) The electrolyte is the saliva in the mouth which is acidic, just like a car battery with lead and zinc plate in acid an electrical field is formed which can over time destroy the metal of the barbell (either the steel or the titanium) this can also lead to sore throats and oral irritation.Dental damage to the teeth is generally due to clients not getting a shorter barbell in the tongue piercing once the swelling goes down, this in concert with playing with the barbell against the teeth can cause chipping and wear on the tooth enamel.Gum erosion again is due to the failure to get the shorter barbell in the piercing once the initial swelling has eased, the balls rubbing inside the mouth can wear out the inner lining of the mouth and guns causing root exposure and tooth sensitivity.

Plastic or metal tongue ring after you pierce your tongue?

The original barbell must be metal. After's your preference. I don't like plastic barbells because they aren't as sturdy. However, I do like to use plastic balls instead of metal. The metal click against my teeth and can be more damaging.

Would it hurt someone to change the balls on a tongue ring after a week?

i don't think it will hurt to change the balls... but they advise you not to take the barbell out for a couple of months. honestly i just got mine done its been eleven days and im a bit impatient and took mine out yesterday ..... nothing happened. however when i changed the ring, it started hurting a bit so i changed it back to the original and all is well now i hope this helps

Which ball comes off of the rook barbell?

both of the balls come off the barbell, but the top ball is easier to get off than the bottom one.

If you have 2 small balls that feel like bones under your tongue what are they?

if you have 2 balls under your tongue what are they?

Can you put a barbell in your nostril piercing?

You can but the balls on barbells are usually huge and will look strange in a nostril piercing.

Playing with your tongue ring?

Well you might want to keep that activity to a minimum. Goofing around too much with your barbell can damage your dental enamel and chip your teeth. Acrylic balls will minimize the damage but care should be taken to avoid excessive wear on the teeth.

You can eat a cows tongue what other parts of the body can you eat?

The burger (or balls) The burger (or balls)

Why does your dog put his balls in your mouth while you sleep?

Because he enjoys the feeling of your tongue on his balls.

What are the different sizes for barbell balls With picture or reference?

I'll give you the link for BAF and you can look through their photo gallery.