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Hello - Its best to take a pregnancy test around three weeks to four weeks (longer you wait the better) after having unprotected sex. Or you can see your doctor for a blood test a week after having sex.

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Q: How long do you have to wait to take a pregnancy test if your period is irregular and you're over 35 and had unprotected sex?
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How do you know when youre pregnant when your period is irregular?

You would know if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after intercourse and doesn't require you to know when your period should have started.

If you haven't had no period seen February28 what mean?

it means that either youre pregnant or it could be irregular

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I had a light watery period but didnt cramp like usual on my period could I be pregnant?

i answer youre question with a question had u had unprotected sex? and if u did get a HPT

Can you come on your period right after findiing out that youre pregnA NT?

the pregnancy could be a false positive

Can a 16 year old get a 13 year old pregnant?

Yes, if she has her period and you had unprotected sex, then yeah. if youre worried, go and see a doctor immediately and get the Emergency Contraceptive Pill as soon as you can.

You think you are pregnant but you are on your period when is the best time to take a test or does that mean im not prego at all?

yea im pretty sure that if you got ur period then ur not prego at all. unless you had unprotected sex during your period, but i don't think you could get pregnant at that time. however if you had unprotected sex before you had ur period then i say ur ok, youre not pregnant. I don't know about all the technical stuff but i know for a fact that you DO still bleed when your pregnant. Just take a pregnance test and if you have a shelter or something that does tests for free id say that's your best bet.

Why haven't i started my period?

It depends on your age. If youre below 9 you wont get your period, but if youre above 8 then its possible to get a period.

When youre pregnant and your period come on and the blood be bubbly means?

If you were pregnant then you wouldn't menstruate at all. Menstruation only occurs if there is no pregnancy, if you menstruate you're not pregnant.

How can you tell if youre pregnant while on your period I also use my Birth Control patch correctly and a condom everytime. Please help me. Thanks.?

In general if you have your period you are not pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test if you are unsure.

I had a period oct 15 which was reglaur and now i had a period for one day nov 8th why what is wrong?

If you dont get youre period on youre date can u be pregnant?

Could i be pregnant i have sore heavy breasts headachs back ach cramps feel very tired i came on my period 2 days early an it is different to my last one it is very light i feel i have a temperature.?

when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.