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Well, you have to go in and get mold taken of your mouth then those molds are sent to somewhere to get to herbst made and by the time it gets made and shipped back to the ortho it's been about 3 weeks.


Upon visiting an orthodontist for an evaluation, she recomends you get a Herbst appliance. How long should you wait? How long will it take after my next appointment to get my Herbst? Usually, it depens on the severity of your overbit or deep bite. Your orthodontist might suggest you come in for your next appointment ASAP to get your appliance. Sometimes she will say otherwise, or let you decide for yourself. When you go back for your next appointment, you will get molds taken, and sent in to a lab that makes Herbsts and will make one to fit you. Normally, it will take 4-6 weeks for it to come in. Some companies are faster than others, so it may take only 2-3 weeks. You can talk to your orthodontist and ask her any questions or worries you may have.

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