

How long do you keep the bar in for after piercing?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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It varies by piercing type, there are different healing times for different types of piercings.

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Q: How long do you keep the bar in for after piercing?
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Is there a way to reduce tongue depression left by a tongue bar and still keep the piercing?

You could get a longer piercing but that could be uncomfortable and is not reccomended. Depending on how long you have had the piercing, if you have had for a long period of time the depression could take a very long time to disappear or could say like that forever if you decide to remove it.

What kind of piercing does the rev of avenged sevenfold have?

He has an industrial piercing on his left ear, this is sometimes called a scaffolding bar, it is a long metal bar through the top of your ear. He also has a labret piercing, this is the piercing of your chin, just under your bottom lip. & that's all he had!!

How long do I have to keep a tongue piercing in before you can take it out to hide it from my parents?

I took mine out about a week in and replaced it with a clear bar, but they tell you you should wait a minimum of 2 wks before you remove the original bar. You can't keep the bar out or the hole will close. It's only a matter of minutes before it will close so I don't advise you to take it out and keep it out. Just replace it with a tongue retainer. You can google them. Also, it doesn't matter how long you've had the piercing, your tongue heals quickly and the hole will close. I know someone who had their tongue piercing for 10 yrs but when she took her tongue ring out it only took about half an hour before the hole started closing.

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How long do cheek piercings last without the piercing?

Without the jewelry to keep the piercing open, a cheek piercing will generally close within a few weeks. It can even happen in a few days if the piercing has not been there for a long period of time.

How long does it take for a Smiley piercing to heal up?

How long it takes a smiley piercing, or any piercing to heal up will depend greatly on the care given. Making sure to keep the piercing clean can help it to heal as quickly as possible.

Will a straight bar always be rejected when getting a surface piercing?

Undoubtedly yes! The reason for this is the tension that is on the bar inducing unneeded trauma to the fresh piercing. You will HAVE to get a flesh staple bar, and it is important to note that surface piercings have a notorious rejection rate even if you have a staple in it. Keep an eye on it, and keep to a religious piercing regiment. Not just with antibacterial soap, but also with tea tree oil to reduce the chance of developing keoilds, which are quite common with surface piercings.

Where do you get a industrial bar piercing?

Where? Place: any tattoo/ piercing shop.

Can you get an industrial bar piercing at pagoda?


How long after tongue piercing to change bar?

It's recommended to wait 4-6 weeks before changing the initial barbell in a tongue piercing to allow proper healing. Changing it too soon can cause irritation, swelling, and increase the risk of infection. Be sure to consult with your piercer before making any changes to ensure it's safe to do so.

Can you have a belly button piercing without ever wearing a belly button ring?

You need to have a bar or ring in the piercing else it will heal up because a piercing is just like a wound. if theres a bar or ring there then it will heal but around the ring or bar, so you still have the piercing. You don't need a ring, you can have a belly button bar. x

Where would one find information on industrial bar piercing?

Local tattoo and piercing shops are the primary place to go when wanting to learn more about the industrial bar piercing. Information about this piercing can also be found online on the About site.