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One coulomb is defined as the amount of electrical charge transported, per second, at a current of one ampere. In terms of units, in SI a coulomb is special name given to an ampere second. The equation for this, is: Q = I t. Where Q = charge, I = current, and t = time.

So, if we change the subject of the equation, for time, t, we have: t = Q/I = 10/5 = 2 s.

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Q: How long doe it takes 10C to flow past a point if the current is 5?
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Current will flow as long as the power supply is good and there's a power-control device true or false?

Current will flow as long as there is a difference of potential (a voltage) and a path for current to flow. So no power-control device is required for current flow but yes it will flow with a power control decive.

What happens to current flow in a capacitive when the DC voltage across the capacitor is approximately equal to the source voltage?

As long as you don't exceed the breakdown voltage of the capacitor ... which is marked right on it ... DC voltage on it produces NO current flow through it. Only AC 'appears' to flow through a capacitor, and even that appearance is bogus when you really get down to it.

Why electricity does not flow through an open circuit but flows through a closed circuit?

Electricity does not flow in open circuit because the path is not a complete circuit and has the maximum impedance to flow of electricity while it flows in short circuit because electricity always wants a path with least impedance to flow which short circuit is one of such pathAnswerCurrent can jndeed flow through an open circuit. A capacitor is an open circuit, yet it will allow a d.c. current to flow for a short period of time, and an a.c. current can flow continuously.

Why cannot the B-field of an infinitely long straight current-carrying conductor have a component in the direction of the current?

As induced magnetic lines exist in a plane perpendicular to the direction of flow of current, the component in the direction of current i.e cos 90 component will be zero. Recall cos 90 = 0. Hence the answer

What specifically does resistance reduce the flow of?

Resistance is the opposition of the atoms in any materiel to the movement of the electrons of a certain current ... so the resistance is a long wire, and thus more atoms to pass through that's how it reduces the electron flow

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Current will flow as long as the power supply is good and there's a power-control device true or false?

Current will flow as long as there is a difference of potential (a voltage) and a path for current to flow. So no power-control device is required for current flow but yes it will flow with a power control decive.

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curent= couloumb/ time 5=10c/t t =10c/5a t =2sec

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It can be anything, as long as it's clearly defined in accompanying text.The most commonly used is ' I '. Current has the units of Amperes.

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