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HIV dies almost immediately once outside the body. It is also very temperature sensitive, so the ice wouldn't help. The amount of time HIV lives outside the body is relative to many different factors, but it doesn't live long at all regardless.

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14y ago

If this actually about the food ice cream then it can't be infected with HIV because it hasn't got blood, but if this is about semen, HIV survives in it until the semen dies.

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Q: How long does HIV survive in ice cream?
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How long does it take for ice cream to digest?

It's said that it takes about 4-8 hours for ice cream to fully digest.

Who invented ice cream and why did they call it ice cream?

The pharohs invented ice cream by taking snow from a mountain and blending it with fruits and juices long ago, but the actral "cream" part came during the 1800s when Nancy Johnson invented the first hand-cranked ice cream making model in 1847. They called it "ice cream" because it was cream which was cooled or "iced"