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Q: How long does a bullet ant queen live?
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How long do bullet ants live?

A Bullet ant usually will live for up to 90 days. There are other species of ants that have shorter lifespans and longer lifespans. The queen can live much longer than the regular worker Bullet ants.

Does the Bullet ant live in The tropical Rainforest?

yes only bullet ants live in the rainforest no other ant just bullet ants

How long is the bullet ant?

it is about one inch long

What is the bullet ant's habitat?

Bullet Ants live inrain forestlike in Nicaragua

Why does a bullet ant only live in the rain forest?

because a bullet ant cant survive any other environment do to the heat and other temperature

Who will win Snail or ant?

the bullet ant forever

Who will win a bullet ant or a rat?

A bullet ant

What does a Bullet Ant Eat?

smaller ants and dead BUGS

Where does a Queen ant live?

in a hole or a nest

What hurt worse the bullet ant or the velvet ant?

Bullet ant is way worse. Its legendary.

How long is the army ant?

Army ants are 14mm long, while the queen army ant is 3cm long.

Who would win in a battle the bullet ant or the assassin bug?

bullet ant