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Q: How long does a cold or flu like the swine flu virus live in food?
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Does H1N1 have to do with coal?

No, it is the strain of influenza virus that is causing people to have symptoms that are like a cold when it first starts. It is the "swine flu" that is moving around the world in a pandemic.

Pictures of Swine Flu?

Just go to a image search engine like Google Images and type in Swine Flu or Swine Flu Virus.

What does the swine flu outbreak look like?

Here's a photo and info of the actual virus: Kathy

Would you have swine flu if you were nice to pigs?

Ive never met a virus that I didnt like

What is the definition of influenza virus?

A virus that causes a cold-like disease

What other diseases besides swine flu have flu-like symptoms?

the cold a fever

What is swine plague?

The swine plague is also called hog cholera and swine fever. It is a contagious disease that affects hogs and causes symptoms like fever, lesions, and seizures. This disease is caused by a virus belonging to the Pestvirus genus.

Is it viral or bacterial pneumonia associated with Swine Flu?

Swine flu is, like all strains of influenza and the common cold, viral. The main treatment for swine flu is the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

What infectious agent is involved in Swine Flu?

"Swine flu" is a viral infection of swine (pigs). There is evidence that this virus is the same that infected humans in the 1918 pandemic. It has been labeled the N1H1. There has been controversy that the flu now is a variant of this 1918 flu. We are not sure where it started: pigs or humans? "Swine flu" H1N1 virus produces similar influenza-like illnesses. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue and some diarrhea and vomiting. The present H1N1 virus is not zoonotic swine flu, as it is not transmitted from pigs to humans, but from person to person.

How do you get laryingitis?

It is like a virus, and you get get from people just like a cold.

How long are the symptoms of swine flu present within the body?

A week, Its like the common cold. Though swine fllu is deadly & may last longer.

Can you die from a stomach virus?

No, you can not die from ANY virus, not even HIV. No virus can kill you as they need the host to survive. However you can die from complications due to a virus, for instance people think they can die from swine flu, this is impossible, but when your immune system is weakened from the virus, some people will develop pneumonia (a bacterial infection of the lungs) and from that you can die. Also if you have any other illness at the time eg heart disease, cancer, lupus or something like that, a virus can weaken you and that first illness can kill you. Ignore the hype, swine flu, bird flu, HIV, the common cold, influenza etc are not fatal. You can not die from any virus, not today not tomorrow it is not possible..