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For cats, it is until they reach physical maturity. Tigers reach physical maturity at 17-24 months, but I don't know about cheetahs; it's usually about the same time for most cats.

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Q: How long does a cub's mother take care of the cub after it is born?
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Two years

How long do cheetahs care for their offspring?

Cheetah cubs may stay with the mother for up to nearly 2 years.

How long are the babies taken care of by their parents cheetahs?

Cubs may stay with the mother for up to two years.

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Mother and cubs remain together for as long as 26 months, though the average is 15 months

How long do the cubs stay with the mother?

4 years

Is a mother polar bear kind?

yes. as long as you don't hurt her or her cubs.

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The cubs are independent at around age two.

How long do lions care for their offspring?

The female gives birth to a litter of one to four cubs in a secluded den usually away from the rest of the pride. She will often hunt by herself while the cubs are still helpless, staying relatively close to the thicket or den where the cubs are kept. After a few weeks she will rejoin the Pride along with her cubs. Once the cubs join the pride, the whole pride shares the responsibility of raising the cubs.

How long do grizzly bear cubs stay with their mother after born?

Mother Grizzly bears usually look after her cubs until spring if they are in the snowy or cold seasons, then they still take care of the just not as much. Mainly 3.5 years but sometimes 2.5.

How long do cheetahs live with their young?

the cheetahs live with their young when their parents take a good care of them and they live with their parents when are becoming adult.

How long does a lion look after its cubs?

The lioness will take care of cubs until they are up to two years old. The cubs are nursed until they are 7 to 8 months old.

How long does a cougar nurse here cubs?

Cubs are completely dependent on their mother at first, and begin to be weaned at around three months of age.