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Q: How long does a dog leash last an owner?
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Related questions

Who is liable when a cat attacks a dog?

The owner of the cat & possibly you if you &/or your dog were trespassing on the owner's property or if your dog was not on a leash.

Can you be sued if dog gets off leash and impregnates female dog?

OH yes. The owner of the dog is responsible for keeping it within its boundaries or on a leash at all times. If the owner does not do this they are responsible for what happens.

If a dog on a leash attacks another that isn't on a leash but is on its own property who is liable for the vet bill?

The owner of the leashed dog is liable. If the dog that is on its own property is attacked, the owner should pay for the "home" dog's care. The owner of the leashed dog is still responsible for its behavior.

Can a dog catcher sight you leash law if your dog is on your yard?

as long as the yard has a fully fenced in area where the dog can not escape you do not have to have your dog on a leash

Who is responsible for any injuries to the dog if you hit a dog that ran in front of you with no leash?

whoever hit the dog is responsable. If the dog was not on a leash it may have ran away unless the owner is near or is walking it

What is the possessive form of dog leash?

There are two ways to answer this question since I don't know which you need:the possessive form for the compound noun 'dog leash' is the dog leash's (What is the dog leash's cost?).the possessive form for the leash of the dog is dog's leash (The dog's leash is new.).

What is aversion conditioning?

Aversive Conditioning is the use of something unpleasant, or a punishment, to stop an unwanted behavior. EX: If a dog is learning to walk on a leash alongside his owner, an undesired behavior would be when the dog pulls on the leash. The owner may use a collar that delivers a shock when dog pulls - eventually the dog associates pulling on the leash with getting a painful shock and stops pulling

What legal action can you take if a dog poops on your lawn?

None, but if he is off the leash you can do something. Most areas have a leash law and you can complain to your local police or dog pound that a dog is running around off the leash. The owner will be given a warning. In my town 3 warnings and the owner is fined. Call your local police and ask about the leash law.

If a dog comes onto your property while your dog is on a leash and the dogs get in a fight are you responsible?

Yes and no. Yes, since you failed to avoid the other dog and made no advances in stopping them from fighting when they were starting to get aggressive. No, since the owner let their dog attack yours and was on your property.

When training your dog and you tie him to you with a leash how long do you have him on it?

You can have it there as long as you want as long as it don't yap

Write the possessive form for a leash that belongs to a dog?

The possessive form for "that leash belongs to a dog" is "That is a dog's leash."

Is it illegal to have a dog with no leash on?

Yes. Dogs can break their leashes or collars. They can also pull the leash out of the hands of the owner or handler. And, of course once free, they can wander and become lost. This is more likely to happen if the dog has behavioral problems, but it's possible with any dog. Dogs have to be trained to the leash, if they are to behave properly when they are on the leash.