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Either until they are impeached, retire, or die

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Q: How long does a judge appointed under Article 3 serve?
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What is the term of office for judges appointed under Article I?

Article I judges serve on courts overseen by the Legislative Branch, like US Bankruptcy Court, US Tax Court, US Court of Federal Claims, etc., and don't enjoy the same benefits as judges who serve on Article III constitutional courts.The standard term of office for Article I judges is fourteen years, with the possibility of renewal.

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Can members of the US Supreme Court serve lifetime terms?

Yes. Under Article III of the Constitution, US Supreme Court justices and other judges of Article III (constitutional) courts are appointed to serve "during good behavior," meaning for life, if they so desire, and do not commit any impeachable offenses causing them to be formally removed from office.

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Artical 146

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The Attorney General for India is appointed by the President of India under Article 76(1) of the Constitution of India. ----------------RSS,IFFCO AONLA The Attorney General for India is appointed by the President of India under Article 76(1) of the Constitution of India. ----------------RSS,IFFCO AONLA

What is the term limit of judges serving on the US Court of Federal Claims?

Judges of the US Court of Federal Claims serve fifteen-year renewable terms.The US Court of Federal Claims is one of the US Special Courts Congress organized under its authority in Article I of the Constitution. Judges of US Special Courts serve fifteen-year renewable terms.

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Judge William Van Nortwick was first appointed to the Florida First District Court of Appeal in 1994 under the Democratic governor Lawton Chiles. Charles T. Wells was appointed as an associate justice of the Florida Supreme Court in 1994 by Chiles as well. Marguerite Davis was appointed to the Court of Appeals in 1993 also under Chiles.

What are Article III judges or justices?

Supreme Court Justices are "Article III Judges," as are US District Court and US Courts of Appeals Circuit Court judges, which means that they hold their term for life ("good behavior"). Some Justices will retire because of old age or illness. Other Justices will serve until their death. All Federal "Article III" Judges are guaranteed a consistent salary and life appointment during good behavior by the United States Constitution. This is meant to ensure that the Judiciary retains some level of independence, and that they are not beholden to the legislative branch, which can be swayed by popular sentiment. Once appointed, Article III Judges are able to make "unpopular" decisions (like desegregation) without fear of personal reprimand. The one Article III Judge that I know of who was impeached from the bench was Judge Nixon (no relation to President Nixon), who committed perjury (lying under oath). Generally, it is difficult to remove a Federal Judge from the bench. The Judge's conduct usually has to be criminal. US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase was impeached in 1804, but was acquitted at his Senate trial.

How are federal judges and supreme court justice appointed?

Judges and justices who serve in US District Court, US Court of International Trade, US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts, and the Supreme Court of the United States are appointed under Article III of the Constitution. They are nominated by the Presidentwith the "advice and consent" of the Senate. The Senate must vote whether to approve or reject the President's nomination before the judge can be appointed.Article III courts are those that make up the Judicial Branch of the federal government:US District CourtsUS Court of International TradeUS Court of Appeals Circuit CourtsSupreme Court of the United States

How are judges for federal court selected?

Article III judges belonging to the federal Judicial Branch (US District Courts, US Court of International Trade, US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts, and the Supreme Court of the United States) are entitled to serve "during good behavior," which means "for life," unless the judge or justice commits an impeachable offense. Article I federal judges typically serve renewable 15-year terms. Examples of Article I courts are the US Court of Federal Claims, US Tax Court, US Bankruptcy Court, etc. States make their own rules about the terms of office and conditions under which their judges may serve, so the answer to this part of the question is variable. For more information, please specify your state of interest.