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Q: How long does a star stay in a nebula?
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How long does a star stay as a stellar nebula?

until the date is 420 and then the star moves to earth to get baked

Is a nebula a star?

a nebula is cloud of particles which forms into a star.

What is after a nebula in a star life?

A nebula may condense and ignite to become a star, conversely a star may explode and form a nebula.

How long does a stellar nebula live for?

most of the times a planetary nebula lives for 5,000 years

When a nebula what is a nebula?

A White Dwarf Star remains.

Is there a nebula wraped around a dying star?

A Nebula is a gas of dust and minerals that surrounds a star. Also, a nebula is a birthplace of a star, where a star and sometimes a solar system is formed after a huge explosions

What star sheds a planetary nebula?

A star like our sun will shed a planetary nebula after its 'death'

Can a neutron star become a nebula?

No, a neutron star can't become a nebula. A neutron star is not made of atomic matter, has less mass than a nebula, and has no mechanism by which to expand.

What is the nebula in a galaxy?

The nebula in a galaxy is a dead star, long dead, possibly about to turn into a black hole. actually, its the opposite: nebula is like a cloud of space trash. when the "cloud" gets too big, it explodes. the bigger the explosion, the bigger the new star.

Is the sun a planet or nebula?

Neither; it is a star. it formed from a nebula.

Is Arcturus a nebula?

No, Arcturus is a red giant star, not a nebula.

Is a nebula larger than a neutron star?

Yes, a nebula is far larger than a neutron star. A neutron star is a few miles across. A nebula is light years across.