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The length of a sword can vary hugely, there are short swords of maybe as little as 40cm, often archers or crossbowmen would weild them. Then there is the 'average' sword length, of maybe a metre, many European single handed swords were around this length. Then there are the larger swords, Broadswords, Hand-and-a-half swords, Japanese Tachi's. They could be any length over a metre. Some were absolutely huge, like the scottish claymores. which could be 5 foot or more in length.

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14y ago
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11y ago

The blade needs to be 100 CM-122 CM. If less then it's an Arming/Broadsword.

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11y ago

Average weight is about 2.5lbs - 3.5lbs, and it is rare to find one over 4lbs. There is a link to a great article about the weight of historical swords below.

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13y ago

The standard adult blade is 90 centimeters from the bell guard to the tip.

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10y ago

The Xiphos used by Sparta was 12-18 inches long.

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Q: How long does a sword have to be to be classified as a longsword?
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I think it was replaced by Arming sword and then further by long sword. The Viking sword was heavier and more for bashing opponents, and the Arming sword lightness and flexibility and the Longsword a more flexible longer version of it.

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England invented the longsword. Yoy could totally tell by the way they used it. Most english knights used this sword as their favorite weapon.

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Yes. You start out with the Practice Sword, then get the Goddess Sword, then that upgrades to the Goddess Longsword ,then the Goddess White Sword, then the Master Sword, then the True Master Sword. Hope this helps! :D

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The "Gladiator's Sword" which is a longsword can be obtained by doing battle in the Arena. I do not remember the exact point that this comes up though.

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No, I usually make do with a tier 6 longsword.

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You go through dungeons and beat them and once you get to the Ancient Cistern, the Goddess Sword will upgrade into the Goddess Longsword and will continue to get better. Hope this helps! :)

How many different types medieval sword where there?

From what I have learned there are five basic types. These are the Broadsword, Scimitar, Longsword, Greatsword, and Falchion Sword. If you want to learn more check the site below.

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