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u dom girl hahahaha

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Q: How long does biomass take to be made into an oil?
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How can biomass help to reduce global warming?

biomass energy can be turned into fuel instead of oil or gas. the government is looking for alternative fuel instead of oil or gas and biomass could take its place.

Why is a biomass alternative to oil?

Biomass is a renewable resource.

What biomass resource is most often used?

Corn, as this is what the biomass ethanol is made of. Research is pointing to algae becoming the next great biomass however, because of the substance's ability to produce oil.

After an oil discovery is made approximately how long does it take the oil to reach the market?

10 years

What is a sentence for the term biomass?

The use of biomass for fuel can reduce the consumption of oil and coal.

How are fossil fuels and biomass different?

Think of the earth as a big biomass, It made all the oil and gas. Now if we do it with trash or biodegradable things we make the gas, So the earth is a big biomass and we have to make our own little ones to make gas.

What was oil formed from?

I THINK petroleum You're thinking on the right track, but in reverse. Petroleum is a product made from crude oil, not the other way around. Crude oil is made from extinct biomass, that is plants and animals that lived millions of years ago, subjected to underground pressure over a long period of time until the oil is all that is left of them.

What is an example of biomass - fuel gas oil wood or coal?

Wood could be biomass if it is sustainably grown. Old growth forests are not biomass.

Is biomass expensive compared to oil?


How is natural gas made?

Natural gas is not made but harvest like all other form of petroleum. Natural gas occurred in the same way as petroleum, a sediment of biomass in presence of pressure and heat from geothermal breakdown the biomass to liquid oil and gas. Determination if the oil well would produce natural gas, oil or coal is provided in the link.

How long do you have to take fish oil before if lowers cholesterol?

How long do I have to take fish oil?" and after how long I can get the result ? Taking fish oil I will not gain weight

How long will biomass energy last?

Renewable energy can last forever as it just keeps being made whereas unrenewable energy runs out. Hope this help