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Q: How long does carbon remain in some stages of the cycle?
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How long is a grasshoppers life cycle?

4 stages long.

What is the difference between the short and long carbon cycle?

The short carbon cycle refers to the rapid exchange of carbon between Earth's atmosphere, oceans, plants, and soil over a few years to decades. In contrast, the long carbon cycle involves the movement of carbon dioxide through geologic processes over millions of years, such as the formation and weathering of rocks, and the slow release of carbon from sources like fossil fuels.

How long does it take to complete the carbon cycle?

5 years

What is the carbon sequenstriation?

well.......the carbon cylcle goes through two processes. one is i short term cycle. the other is a long term cycle

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What can act like a long-term thermostat for the Earth's average temperature?

The carbon dioxide cycle.

What is carbon monoxide cycle?

The carbon monoxide cycle refers to the natural process through which carbon monoxide gas is produced and broken down in the environment. It is primarily emitted through the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Carbon monoxide is eventually broken down by sunlight and reaction with other chemicals in the atmosphere.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of trees in the carbon cycle?

One advantage of trees is that they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide as they are so large. A disadvantage is that they take a long time to grow.

What the process by which carbon circulates around the earth as plants remove carbon from the atmosphere and animals adds carbon to ther atmosphere?

The Carbon Cycle With decomposition and respiration being the two individual processes you named.The carbon cycle is very important for all organisms. Carbon Dioxide is all around us and most organisms continually recycle it through the ecosystem. Plants convert the Carbon Dioxide to glucose through photosynthesis. This provides energy for the plants. It moves through the food chain by consumption of the plants and provides energy for the different consumers. Animals recycle carbon dioxide through respiration. The lungs provide gas exchange and releases the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.Carbon Dioxide is also released into the atmosphere from industrial pollutants.

How does the carbon cycle keep the amount of carbon dioxide constant in the atmosphere?

The carbon cycle maintains the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the continuous exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, soil, and living organisms. Processes like photosynthesis by plants and algae remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, while respiration, decomposition, and combustion release carbon back into the atmosphere. This constant cycling of carbon helps regulate the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Is it true that forests are the only carbon sinks in the world?

no oceans are also referred to as carbon sinks. this is because marine organisms make shells out of carbonate which later turn into a sedimentary rock called limestone. also the carbon in these shells can remain in for a long time. the carbon is returned to the air as carbon dioxide during weathering and volcanic eruptions.